Experimental biology and impact: solutions to climate change and biodiversity loss


  • Rebecca Ellerington, The Society for Experimental Biology, UK
  • Tracy Lawson, University of Essex, UK


24 March 2025

Join us for the SEB Satellite Meeting on Monday 24 March 2025, held as part of The Company of Biologists' 100-year anniversary conference in Liverpool. This meeting, titled 'Experimental biology and impact: solutions to climate change and biodiversity loss' will explore the significant contributions of experimental biology in addressing environmental challenges. The event will focus on interdisciplinary approaches from across animal, plant, and cell biology, showcasing innovative research aimed at tackling the pressing problems of climate change and biodiversity loss.
We invite researchers to submit abstracts for talks and poster presentations, with a particular emphasis on work that demonstrates the impact of experimental biology in addressing these environmental challenges. We encourage submissions from researchers at all career stages and strongly support students and early-career researchers (ECRs) in presenting their findings and engaging with leading scientists in the field. Accepted posters will be showcased in the main conference's poster session the following day.
The programme, which will take place from 09:00 until 15:00 on Monday 24 March, will include a mixture of keynote speakers and abstract talks covering the plant, cell and animal sections, as well as lunch and networking and an interactive panel discussion.

View the preliminary programme

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